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la sabbia di una vita

It's a long time between updates. This doesn't mean that nothing happens, rather that so much has been happening and I've been living it and loving it, rather than writing about it.

Winter has hit Perth since my last post. From my office I can watch the rain beat against the glass and bounce from the rooftops. The cold weather lets me draw my various coats around me and they are as warm as my new post-travel life. I wear high shoes to step through puddles and spend my money and time on things I don't need but greatly appreciate. I have new suits, new heels, new furniture and new friends.

The commonest events, the every day minutiae, they make life matter. Lately the commonest events have been evenings throwing balls for a dog at the beach while the sun drops out of the sky, warm scarves to combat the frigid air, parties with old old friends that turn into happy chaos, new curtains and sheets that transform my room, washing the dishes while someone kisses my neck, cutting fresh herbs from my own garden; all these things are the sand that fills the gaps in a life.

Lately, I'm full to the brim, and enjoying every minute of it.


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